Where shall I get Remote Desktop Display Adapter in Windows 7


I like to know how shall I get a Remote Desktop Display Adapter in Windows 7.


By default, Windows 7 does not include built-in support for remote display adapters.

If you want to enable remote display capabilities on your Windows 7 machine, you will need to use specialized hardware or software that provides this functionality.

If you specifically need a physical remote display adapter, you’ll need to research and purchase hardware that supports this feature.

Note: If your Operating System is other than Windows 7

Support for GDI remote display drivers has been removed in Windows 10, version 2004. However, creating a remote display solution is still possible by building a custom Remote Protocol Provider and an Indirect Display Driver.

A remote display driver is based on the Windows 2000 Mirror Driver model and is used to render the desktop in a remote session.

To successfully install and run starting with Windows 8, a remote display driver must implement only the following device driver interfaces (DDIs) and no more.