Can I upgrade my laptop to windows 11 pro using windows 10 home OEM key?


Is it possible to upgrade  windows 11 pro using windows 10 home OEM key?


OEM keys are tied to the original hardware of the device, and they are typically non-transferable to other devices or different editions of Windows.

If you want to upgrade to Windows 11 Pro from Windows 10 Home, you might need to purchase a Windows 11 Pro license separately.



PC crashes when I launch games with VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR


To resolve the “VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR,” you can try the following steps:

  • Update Graphics Card Drivers: Make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card installed. You can download the drivers from the manufacturer’s website and install them manually.
  • Reinstall Graphics Card Drivers: If updating the drivers doesn’t work, try uninstalling the current graphics card drivers completely and then reinstalling them.
  • Ensure that your graphics card is not overheating. Clean the GPU and ensure proper airflow to prevent overheating.
  • If the problem persists, there might be a hardware issue with your graphics card. You can try reseating the graphics card in its slot or testing it in another system to see if the problem persists.