MS Paint Grid Background


After some update of Windows Update the background of MS Paint has changed from white to grid like this:



You can reset Paint registry values to the default and thereby restore MS Paint:

  1. Close the Paint app if you have it running.
  2. Download the following ZIP file.
  3. Extract its contents to any folder and double click to run.
  4. Open MS Paint to check.

[This registry edit is applicable for both Windows 10 and Windows 11]

Restore missing Windows Update in Settings of Windows 11


Windows update option is missing from the Settings list.


Why does it happen?

There is a group policy, called-Settings Page Visibility.This policy allows an administrator to block a given set of pages from the System Settings app. Blocked pages will not be visible in the app, and if all pages in a category are blocked the category will be hidden as well.


This problem can be fixed either through the Group Policy or, through the Registry edit.

Via Group Policy: This method is applicable for all versions of Windows 11 except Windows 11 Home.


  • In Start Search type Gpedit.msc to open the Group Policy.
  • Now locate:
Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Control Panel
User Configuration → Administrative Templates → Control Panel


  • Double-click the “Settings Page Visibility” policy and set it to “Not configured”. Click Ok/Apply.


  • Reboot.

Via Registry edit:

  • In Start Search type Regedit and hit the enter key.
  • Click Yes to UAC.
  • Locate:


  • Select SettingsPageVisibility on right pane of the page.
  • Right click on it and delete.
  • Close the registry editor.
  • Reboot.