Where shall I get Remote Desktop Display Adapter in Windows 7


I like to know how shall I get a Remote Desktop Display Adapter in Windows 7.


By default, Windows 7 does not include built-in support for remote display adapters.

If you want to enable remote display capabilities on your Windows 7 machine, you will need to use specialized hardware or software that provides this functionality.

If you specifically need a physical remote display adapter, you’ll need to research and purchase hardware that supports this feature.

Note: If your Operating System is other than Windows 7

Support for GDI remote display drivers has been removed in Windows 10, version 2004. However, creating a remote display solution is still possible by building a custom Remote Protocol Provider and an Indirect Display Driver.

A remote display driver is based on the Windows 2000 Mirror Driver model and is used to render the desktop in a remote session.

To successfully install and run starting with Windows 8, a remote display driver must implement only the following device driver interfaces (DDIs) and no more.

What to do if you don’t get free voucher for Microsoft Azure exam.


I have attended Microsoft Azure virtual training on 1st and 2nd June and I received an email on same ,but the email does not contain free voucher code which they provide after attending virtual training.


Visit the Azure support page (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/support/options/) and submit a support request. Provide all necessary information about the virtual training event you attended. They should be able to help you get your voucher code.

For issues related to Certifications and Exams, post on Certifications Support Forums or visit our Cert Help.

Can I purchase windows 10/11 license and install it on a VM server on a cloud provider?


Can I purchase windows 10/11 license and install it on a VM server on a cloud provider?


Yes, you can purchase a Windows 10 or Windows 11 license and install it on a virtual machine (VM) hosted on a cloud provider.

When you install Windows on the VM, you’ll need to activate it using a valid license key.

You may go through the following reference article:

Activate Windows in a Virtual Machine

Windows Cannot Complete the Extraction…The destination path is too long.


The user has downloaded  a huge file, it may be with a file size of 3 GB or more and when trying to extract the file he is getting the following error:



That simply means that the destination file could not be created because the file name is too long.

In this case download and install 7-Zip

Right click on the said downloaded file and extract the same with 7-zip. During extraction you can create your preferred destination of the file path.